就像一阵狂野的龙卷风刮过,天动地摇,冲击波到达每一个角落,将长年不变的种种格局打破。在它刮过的地方,没有一个人能安坐其位,每个人都要想一想:在世贸(WTO)中,也就是在世界格局而不是中国的“山寨”中,我的位置在哪里? 也从来没有一项国际协议能像中美“入世”协议那样,带给中国人如此丰富的情感反应。惶恐、惊喜、担忧、兴奋、诧异、坦然、焦虑…… 那几天,“WTO”成了最流行的一个词。了解和不了解它的人都在讨论它、分析它、
Like a wild tornado over, shaking heaven and earth, the shock wave reached every corner, the pattern will not change for many years to break. Wherever it scrapes, no one can sit back and everybody should think about it: Where is my position in the World Trade Organization (WTO), that is, in the “cottage” of the world rather than China? There has never been an international agreement that can bring such a rich emotional response to the Chinese like the Sino-U.S. Agreement on “entering the WTO.” Fear, surprise, worry, excitement, surprise, frankness, anxiety ... ... a few days, “WTO” has become the most popular word. People who understand and do not understand it are discussing it, analyzing it,