运动想象(motor imagery,MI)是指在无躯体参与运动时,有意识地在头脑中重现已经形成的动作表象或者形成新的动作表象~([1])。在国外大部分相关的MI研究中,受试者均在入选时接受MI问卷的评估~([2—3])。Malouin等~([4])综合了各种版本MI问卷的优缺点,在2007年编制了运动觉-视觉想象问卷(the kinesthetic and visual imagery questionnaire,KVIQ-20)及它的简版KVIQ-10,检查者根据受试者进行MI时的主
Motor imagery (MI) refers to consciously recreating an already formed movement appearance or forming a new movement appearance in the mind without physical involvement (1). In most of the relevant MI studies abroad, subjects were evaluated by the MI questionnaire at enrollment (2-3). Malouin et al. [4] combined the advantages and disadvantages of various versions of the MI questionnaire. In 2007, the kinesthetic and visual imagery questionnaire (KVIQ-20) and its simplified KVIQ-10 , The examiner based on subjects when the main MI