陕西省在对 15°— 2 5°和 2 5°以上坡耕地利用方面存在以下问题 :(1)基础设施差 ,水土流失严重 ;(2 )地种植粗放 ,生产稳定性差 ;(3)人多地少 ,退耕缓慢 ;(4)种植结构不尽合理等问题。分析了其退耕还林的可行性。提出了陕西省 15°— 2 5°和 2 5°以上坡耕地实施退耕还林还草的技术对策
Shaanxi Province has the following problems in the utilization of sloping fields above 15 ° -2 5 ° and above 25 °: (1) poor infrastructure and serious soil erosion; (2) extensive planting and poor production stability; (3) Less land, slow conversion of cultivated land; (4) planting structure is not reasonable and other issues. The feasibility of returning farmland to forest was analyzed. The technical countermeasures of carrying out the conversion of cropland to forestland and grassland at sloping fields of 15 ° - 25 ° and 25 ° in Shaanxi Province