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任何事物的发展壮大都要遵循一定的客观规律。我国发展乡村旅游,绝不可以忽视旅游资源开发规律和目标市场发育规律。文章从乡村旅游产生的条件入手,结合我国乡村旅游的发展现状和我国城市化的现状,阐明乡村旅游是城市化发展到一定阶段的产物,并将伴随城市化的进程而发展;同时,乡村旅游的发展对城市化的进程具有强大的推动作用。基于二者的关系,文章最后提出我国发展乡村旅游应该遵循的基本规律。 The development and growth of anything must follow a certain objective law. The development of rural tourism in our country must not neglect the laws governing the development of tourism resources and the development of the target market. Beginning with the conditions of rural tourism, the article combines the current development of rural tourism in our country with the present situation of urbanization in our country, and expounds that rural tourism is the product of urbanization to a certain stage and will follow the process of urbanization. At the same time, rural tourism The development of urbanization has a strong impetus to the process. Based on the relationship between the two, the article finally put forward the basic law that should be followed in the development of rural tourism in our country.
一、发展旅游经济对资源型城市转型意义重大    据统计,全国资源型城市有118个,其中东北地区占30%,资源型城市转型工作是从东北开始的。东北振兴战略实施以来,国家出台了一系列优惠政策支持东北老工业基地振兴,对资源型城市采煤沉陷区治理、棚户区改造和发展接续替代产业等方面给予了很大支持。但资源型城市转型面临的形势还相当严峻,具体表现在:一是接续产业亟待发展、资源开发补偿机制和衰退产业援助机制还未建立