《解放日报》双休特刊曾登载过这样一则报道: 上海某大学学生在给父母的元旦平安信中这样说:“……最近手头又紧了,请你们无论如何再寄点钱来,不少于200元,加急快汇……我跟你们讲了多次,来信宜短不宜长,你们啰里啰嗦,浪费我的时间。”读罢此信,不禁感慨万端。一封信?不,催款单!祝福?问好?
The “Liberation Daily” biweekly special issue once reported such a story: A student from a university in Shanghai said in his New Year’s Day peace letter to his parents: “...you have been in a tight grip recently. Please send money in any case, please don’t Less than 200 yuan, expedited payment ... I told you many times, the letter should be short and not long, you stunned and waste my time.” Reading this letter, can not help but feel emboldened. A letter? No, a reminder?