
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hustyhw
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(一)1995年1月28日19时许,黑龙江省鹤岗市南山煤矿发生一起震惊全国的特大持枪杀人、爆炸、纵火、抢劫严重暴力案件。犯罪分子持枪闯入该矿经警队保卫科值班室,打死保干、经警9人、小孩1人,打伤经警1人,抢走“五四”式手枪3支。犯罪分子在我保卫干警奋勇还击,抢劫巨款的阴谋不能得逞的情况下,点燃炸药包,将保卫科值班室墙面炸坏,并放火灭迹后逃跑。此案的发生,正值春节即将来临之际,沉浸在节日欢乐气氛中的煤城骤然被一种悲愤而沉闷的气氛所笼罩。全市人民震惊了,市委、市政府的领导震惊了,全市2000多名干警立即开展了紧张的侦察破案工作。同时,“1.28”惨案的发生,也惊动了省委、省政府、公安部乃至中央政法委的领导,一道道要求迅速破案,缉捕原凶的指示,迅速传到省公安厅和鹤岗市公安局。省长助理、省公安厅厅长徐衍东、副厅长张新枫接到报案后,连夜赴省厅指挥中心,坐镇指挥侦察破案工作,省厅连夜布置鹤岗市 (I) At 19:00 on January 28, 1995, a serious firearming case involving gunfire, explosions, arson and robberies took place in Nanshan coal mine in Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province. Criminals armed with a gun broke into the mine and defend the duty department by the police force, killing and defending cadres. After the police 9 people, one child, one injured by the police, robbed “May Fourth” pistol three. In the circumstances that I defend the cadres fighting back courageously and robbing huge sums of money can not succeed, the criminals set off the explosives kits, defused the walls of the guarding duty offices and escaped in arson. The incident took place just as the Spring Festival approached, the city of coal, immersed in the festive atmosphere, was suddenly overwhelmed by an atmosphere of grief and dullness. The people in the city were shocked. The leaders of the municipal party committee and government were shocked. More than 2,000 police officers in the city immediately carried out intense investigations and investigations. Meanwhile, the tragedy of “1.28 ” also aroused the leadership of the provincial party committee, the provincial government, the ministry of public security and even the Central Political and Legal Committee, asking for a prompt resolution of the case and arresting the original culprits and quickly transmitted it to the Provincial Public Security Bureau and Hegang City Public Security Bureau. Governor Assistant to the Provincial Public Security Department Director Xu Yan Dong, deputy director Zhang Xinfeng received the report, the night went to the command center of the provincial hall, command of reconnaissance and detection work, the provincial department store night layout of Hegang
在英國上五年级时,我最喜欢周末去书店,尤其是在雨天。我、妈妈还有邻家小妹当当经常在书店里静静地看书,聆听着外面滴答滴答的雨声,与书为伴的周末是多么惬意啊!  这家书店有两层,一层有儿童阅读区和成人阅读区,二层有咖啡馆和部分成人阅读区。儿童阅读区还有小型滑梯和懒人墩供大家使用。这里的书可以让大家随意阅读,不像林海音的《窃读记》里描写的那样,不买书就得走人。  一本《夏洛的网》出现在我眼前。我暗自庆幸
【摘要】 教学要改革,怎样改更好?这是教师们需要尝试和探讨的永恒主题。旧课新讲,或者应用更多的高科技的手段,都可以让学生耳目一新,提高学习兴趣和教学质量,同时让自己体验一下创新的快乐。  【关键词】 创新 教育 教师  【中图分类号】 G42【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1006-5962(2012)11(a)-0087-02  教育学生创新,教师更要创新。创新需要具有创新意识,需要广博的