Our 714 delegates throughout the province came from all over to Kunming and held a 17-day meeting (from August 3 to January 19). They are very open and very satisfied. At the congress, he heard reports on state affairs, world affairs, reduction and rent reduction, and organizing peasant associations. After careful discussions of our day and night, we all feel that these reports are based on the idea of meeting the scenes honestly and in line with our own intentions. We have all along advocated and decided to take it back and proceed with it in a down-to-earth manner. Our peasants, who had previously been subjected to oppression and exploitation by the feudal forces, did their cattle and horses and took our blood and sweat to feed them, were not able to get on their bodies, they could not eat their mouths, soaked in tears, . It is indeed the first grand occasion since the epoch that the Communist Party of Chairman Mao led us to defeat Chiang Kai-shek, the big backer of the bully of the landowners and hold us back. However, the roots of the landlord bully have not been fully prized in our country. They also ghostly, holding a number of food and political power, complicity in the manufacture of bandits, murder and arson, making rumors, making no evil. This means that in the country we have not really mastered. After more than 10 days of discussion, unanimously decided that in order to truly become the masters of the country, we must first make clear that the bandits are fighting against hegemonism, rent reduction and repossession, and that they should engage in land reform in the future.