HVMs of 31 cats that were anesthetized with pentobarbital or triiodide quaternary ammonium phenol were electropulsed, recording AEP in the paracentral midbrain region. There were 46 HVM stimulation points and 1046 guidance points in the central mesencephalic region, 103 positive reaction points and 151 frontal potential reactions. There are two types of “level” and “all or nothing” responses for HVM stimulation with increasing electrical stimulation. Reactivity was tested for 111 reactions with different frequencies of double stimulation, of which 38 were able to follow the PST above 500 Hz; 27 to follow the PST from 200 to 499 Hz; and 46 to only follow the PST below 199 Hz. Given a short string of stimuli, two types of reactions followed 500 Hz and below 500 Hz were obtained. These results suggest that both the HVM and the para-central mesencephalic area have both synaptic projections and direct fibrinolysis. It is calculated that the direct fiber conduction velocity of about 0.29 ~ 4.1m / s, the equivalent of fine myelinated and non-myelinated fibers. Some of the conduction properties that may belong to the central axons are described. The relationship between HVM stimulation point and central mesencephalic reaction point of direct fiber connection suggests that there may be a corresponding relationship between the two directions. Some advantages of the combination of dual stimulation and short string stimulation methods for assessing the response characteristics of the neurological tissue studied are discussed.