一队7架L-39“信天翁”组成的编队轻盈地掠过希腊雅典卫城的上空,高岗上雄浑的卫城,与周围稠密的街巷构成鲜明的反差。这是2011年10月15日百年灵喷气特技飞行表演队(Breitling Jet Team)为纪念希腊空军成立100周年赴雅典表演时留下的倩影。百年灵喷气特
A fleet of seven L-39s and Albatross flew lightly over the Acropolis of Athens in Greece, and the majestic Acropolis on Kogang contrasts sharply with the densely packed streets and lanes. This is October 15, 2011 Breitling Jet aerobatic team (Breitling Jet Team) to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Greek air force went to Athens show left a shadow. Breitling jet special