我们怀着沉痛的心情,到地处老山前线战区的文山州砚山县了解该县八嘎区(现为八嘎乡)档案、资料全部被烧毁的情况,通过实地调查掌握了档案被烧的经过、卷数和详细内容,深感做好区乡档案保管工作是不容忽视的。 去年12月24日下午6时50分左右,砚山县八嘎区机关楼房因火灾被烧,虽然区里领导组织奋力扑救,但火势太猛,保管在楼里的区委区政府和刚集中到区上的九个乡(全
With deep feelings, we went to Yanshan County, Wenshan Prefecture, located in Laoshan Frontline Theater to know about the archives and the data that were completely destroyed in the area of Baga (now Baaga) in the county. After the number of volumes and detailed content, do a good job in the district township archives custody can not be ignored. Last year, December 24 at about 6 pm 50, Yanshan County, eight Ga District government buildings were burned because of fire, although the district leadership struggling to fight the blaze, but the fire is too fierce, the district government in the building and just kept in the building To the district nine townships (all