1998年机构改革前 ,我局经费的主要来源是原邮电部。随着机构的改革 ,在政企分开、企业与机关脱钩后 ,部机关对后勤经费的拨付随之结束 ,后勤服务保障和后勤服务经费之间的矛盾日渐突出。在这种情况下 ,我们认真研究了后勤改革的有关文件 ,走访了兄弟部委 ,结合我部实际情况 ,?
Prior to the institutional reform in 1998, the main source of funding for our bureau was the former Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. With the reform of the institutions, after the separation of government from enterprises and the decoupling of enterprises from the organs, the disbursement of logistic funds by the ministries and agencies ended with the contradictions between logistics service support and logistics service expenditures becoming increasingly prominent. Under such circumstances, we have conscientiously studied the relevant documents on the reform of the logistics and visited the brother ministries and commissions in the light of the actual conditions of our ministry.