当今社会是法治昌行的时代,施行法治是人类社会上千年求索的结果。但法治并非十全十美,法治有其自身无法避免的缺陷。因此,正确认识法治,培育社会法治理性,对于构建法治社会至关重要。法治即法律的统治。这一概念,起源于西方,英文为 rule of law。这一概念在我国最早使用,被认为系梁启超先生在《先秦政治思想史》中。对“法治”一词的解释,一直颇有争议,没能完全统一。1959年在印度召开的国际法学家会议通过的《德里宣言》,总结了法治的三条原则:其一,根据法治原则,立法机关的职能在于创设和维护得以使每个人保持人类尊严的各种条件;其
Today’s society is a time when the rule of law prevails and the implementation of the rule of law is the result of thousands of years of human society’s search. However, the rule of law is not perfect, and the rule of law has its own inherent shortcomings. Therefore, to correctly understand the rule of law and foster the rule of law in society is of crucial importance to the construction of a society ruled by law. The rule of law is the rule of law. This concept, originated in the West, the English as the rule of law. This concept was first used in our country and was considered to be Mr. Liang Qichao’s “History of Pre-Qin Political Thought”. The interpretation of the term “rule of law” has been quite controversial and failed to achieve complete reunification. The Delhi Declaration, adopted by the International Commission of Jurists in India in 1959, sums up the three principles of the rule of law: First, according to the principle of the rule of law, the function of the legislature is to create and maintain the conditions under which everyone can maintain human dignity ;its