Enhanced optical transmission through a nanoslit by coupling light between periodic strips and metal

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shtduswh
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Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is obtained by exciting the surface plasmon (SP) at the metal and dielectric interface, which can greatly enhance the extraordinary optical transmission (EOT) through a nanoslit milled in the metal film. We present a structure with a 50-nm-wide silver nanoslit for EOT by coupling light into the dielectric interlayer between periodic strips and a metal film. When the period of the metallic strips is equal to the wavelength of the SPR, the transmission efficiency of 187.6 through the nanoslit is enhanced. The metallic strip width over the nanoslit is optimized to improve transmission efficiency, and the maximal efficiency of 204.3 is achieved. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is obtained by exciting the surface plasmon (SP) at the metal and dielectric interface, which can greatly enhance the extraordinary optical transmission (EOT) through a nanoslit milled in the metal film. -nm-wide silver nanoslit for EOT by coupling light into the dielectric interlayer between periodic strips and a metal film. When the period of the metallic strips is equal to the wavelength of the SPR, the transmission efficiency of 187.6 through the nanoslit is enhanced. The metallic strip width over the nanoslit is optimized to improve transmission efficiency, and the maximal efficiency of 204.3 is achieved.
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