
来源 :保险研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whp6356
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近年来保险业在转变发展方式方面进行了积极探索和努力,全行业的发展理念、发展结构、防范化解风险能力发生了显著变化,但还存在一些影响保险业进一步转变发展方式的制约因素,保险业要进一步明确方向和任务,促进行业发展加快向内涵式增长转变、向差异化竞争转变、向和谐利用资源转变,以加快提升综合协调发展能力。保险业加快转变发展方式需要正确处理好城市保险市场与农村保险市场的关系、正确处理好保障型产品和理财型产品的关系、正确处理好大型保险公司与中小保险公司的关系。 In recent years, the insurance industry has made active exploration and efforts in transforming its mode of development. Significant changes have taken place in the industry’s development philosophy, development structure and ability to prevent and mitigate risks. However, there are still some constraints that affect the insurance industry in further transforming its mode of development. Insurance Industry to further clarify the direction and tasks to promote the development of the industry to speed up the shift to the connotation of growth, change to differentiated competition, to the harmonious use of resources to speed up the promotion of comprehensive and coordinated development. To accelerate the transformation of the development mode of the insurance industry, we need to correctly handle the relationship between the urban insurance market and the rural insurance market, correctly handle the relationship between the guaranteed products and wealth management products, and correctly handle the relationship between the large insurance companies and the small and medium-sized insurance companies.
中图分类号:G862 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2012)09-000-01  摘 要 合理的速度滑冰技术是提高成绩的关键因素之一,弯道技术比直道技术难,而且是提高速度最重要的技术环节。通过对速度滑冰弯道技术和在弯道技术上易出现问题的分析,目的为速度滑冰的教学、技术训练提供技术理论参考。  关键词 速度滑冰 弯道滑行 基本技术  速度滑冰项目中,弯道技术是整
中图分类号:G807 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2012)09-000-01  摘 要 运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,对高校当中开设体育拓展课程容易出现的问题进行研究,文章认为目前高校开设拓展训练课程存在的误区有:安全性依然缺乏保障、项目的设置有待商榷、教师的身份不明晰。提出加强体育拓展训练课程安全建设、体育拓展运动设计需符合大学生群体特点、体育拓展运动设
AIM: To compare the efficacy of different chemotherapeutic agents during conventional transarterial chemoembolization(cTACE) in the treatment of unresectable he
Sand production is a crucial problem during the process of extracting natural gas from hydrate reservoirs.To deal with sand-production problems systematically,a
目的 分析石家庄市民营医院介入放射工作人员个人剂量水平,了解相关工作人员受照剂量,为放射卫生防护与监督管理提供科学依据.方法 采用Li F (Mg,Cu,P) 热释光个人剂量计 (TL
1.ObjectivesThe porphyry copper deposits (PCD) are usually hosted in a multistage intrusive complex but only causallyrelated tospecific magma of high oxidation