
来源 :浙江教育科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bianhao9527
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目前,对作业改革的研究很多,但对“开放型”作业,让学生走出课堂,进入社会的研究甚少。“开放型”作业是我们设想在教师有目的有计划的指导下。从学生的兴趣和需要出发,根据学科的特点要求,对作业的时间、形式、内容三方面开放的一种作业。开放型作业具体包括作业时间的开放、形式的开放和内容上的开放。 At present, there are many researches on homework reform, but there are few researches on “open” homework so that students can get out of class and enter the society. “Open-type ” homework is that we envisaged under the guidance of teachers with purpose and plan. Starting from the students’ interests and needs, according to the characteristics of the subject requirements, an operation on three aspects of the time, form, content of the operation. Open operations specifically include the opening of working hours, the opening of forms and the opening of contents.
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[摘要]本文从激发识字兴趣,让学生愿学;教给识字方法,让学生会学;拓宽识字途径,让学生乐学三个方面阐述了如何在识字教学中达成三维目标。  [关键词]识字教学 三维目标 汉字    印度前总理尼赫鲁曾对他的女儿说:“世界上有一个伟大的国家,她的每个字,都是一首优美的诗,一幅美丽的画,你要好好学习。我说的这个国家就是中国。”是啊,汉字像一群活泼可爱的孩子在纸上玩笑嬉戏,像一朵朵美丽多姿的鲜花愉悦你的眼