今年4月13日,星期六,天气晴朗,气温16~24℃,西南风4~5级。晨8时,我和妻子乘车来到二十铺养鱼塘垂钓。此塘长200米,宽150米,最深处有十几米,是十几年未干过的混养鱼塘。 上午9时左右,我找了一个下风处打窝下钩,到中午只钓上了十几尾小白条。听塘主说,下午1~2时和傍晚鱼比较好钓,但到下午5时半,也只钓上了数十条小鱼,心想,今天的收获就到此为止了。然而,就在此时浮漂点了几下
April 13 this year, the weather is fine, the temperature 16 ~ 24 ℃, southwest wind 4 to 5. At 8:00 a.m., my wife and I took a car and went fishing at Twenty Shop Fishpond. This pond 200 meters long, 150 meters wide, the deepest ten meters, is a dozen years have never been dry fish pond. Around 9am, I found a downwind to play under the hook, to noon fishing on a dozen tail small white bars. Listen to the main pond, at 1 o’clock in the afternoon and 2 o’clock in the evening the fish are better to catch fish, but by half past half past half, only catch dozens of small fish, thinking that today’s harvest stops here. However, just a few moments at this time float