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黑潮,又名黑潮暖流,是北太平洋上的一支从赤道海域向高纬度海域流动的强大海流,其规模大小仅次于北大西洋的墨西哥湾流。它是我国海洋、海洋水产、气象和远洋航运部门人员所熟知的一支海流。也是世界上著名的海流之一。黑潮来源于北赤道海流,当赤道流自东向西流到菲律宾吕宋岛东部海域时,由于受到陆地的阻拦以及柯氏力的影响及分成两支,一支向南流,称为棉兰老海流,一支向北流,称为黑潮。黑潮沿我国台湾东部向东北流动,经日本列岛南部,流到北纬35°海域附近又分为两 Kuroshio, also known as Kuroshio current, is a powerful ocean current in the North Pacific that flows from the equatorial sea to high latitudes, second only to the Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic. It is a well-known ocean current for our marine, marine fisheries, meteorological and ocean shipping departments. It is also one of the world’s famous currents. The Kuroshio flows from the northern equatorial current. When the equatorial current flows from east to west into the eastern waters of the Philippines, Luzon Island, it is divided into two branches due to the blockage of the land and Coriolis force. A southward flow, called the cotton Lan old currents, a stream to the north, known as the Kuroshio. The Kuroshio flows to the northeast along the eastern part of Taiwan of our country and flows to the vicinity of 35 ° N in the southern part of Japan by dividing it into two
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前面一讲已介绍了与线性方程相联系的有限差分法的一些基本概念和问题,这一讲要讨论一下与非线性计算不稳定有关的几个问题。 The previous lecture described some of the
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