复旦大学中文系陈思和教授主持编写的《中国当代文学史教程》1999年 9月由复旦大学出版社出版以后 ,颇引起学界的一些关注。学者们从文学史的写作、文学观念的转变等角度 ,发表了一系列有分量的学术评论。 2 0 0 0年 8月 ,在此书出版一周年之际 ,复旦大学出版社、复旦大学中文系联合组织了一次研讨会 ,会议以《中国当代文学史教程》为主 ,对中国当代文学史的写作、教学、认识 ,以及这三者之间的关系 ,作了深入的研讨。征得会议主办者的同意 ,本刊选择编发了部分学者的发言 ,以期对中国当代文学史的写作、教学、认识有所助益
Fudan University Chinese Department Professor Chen Sihe chaired the preparation of the “History of Contemporary Chinese Literature Course” in September 1999 published by the Fudan University Press, quite attracted some attention academics. Scholars have published a series of influential scholarly commentary from the perspectives of the writing of literary history and the change of literary concepts. In August 2000, at the first anniversary of the publication of this book, a seminar was jointly organized by Fudan University Press and Fudan University Chinese Department. The symposium focused on the “History of Chinese Contemporary Literature” Writing, teaching, understanding, and the relationship between the three, made in-depth discussion. With the consent of the sponsor of the conference, we selected to compile some scholars’ speeches, in the hope of helping the writing, teaching and understanding of the history of contemporary Chinese literature