哈大客运专线全长904.26 km,沿线四季及昼夜温差大、冻胀作用强烈、冻融循环频繁,为使线路平顺耐久,设计轨下结构全线采用预应力CRTSⅠ型无砟轨道板。针对低温情况下轨道板的铺设工艺,目前国内外还缺乏可供借鉴的工程实践经验,文中对CRTSⅠ型无砟轨道板铺设的关键工序,特别是轨道板的精调工艺,作了比较详细的介绍。
The total length of the Harbin-Dalian Passenger Dedicated Line is 904.26 km. The temperature difference between the four seasons and the day and night along the route is large. The frost heaving effect is strong and the freeze-thaw cycles are frequent. In order to make the line smooth and durable, prestressed CRTS Ⅰ ballastless track slabs are designed across the rail structure. In the light of the laying process of track slab at low temperatures, at present, there is still no practical engineering experience available for reference. At present, the key processes of laying CRTS Ⅰ ballastless track slab, especially the precision finishing process of track slab, Introduction.