合肥市庐阳分局现有正式干部68人,其中党员29人,负责辖区范围内9个街道、3个乡镇的国有、集体、私营企业和个体工商户的地方税收征管工作。现有各类户型12000余户,是合肥市地税局人员最多、户型最多、征管范围最大的一个分局。 分局自成立以来,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实”加强征管,堵塞漏洞,惩治腐败,清缴欠税”十六字工作方针,融会贯通做好“依法治税、从严治队、科技加管理”三篇文章,以抓干部队伍建设为突破口,推动各项工作的开展,取得了骄人的成绩。今年以来,尽管受到非典影响,税收收入仍保持良好的增长势头。分局在近几年也先后被评为区级、市级
Luyang Branch of Hefei City, there are 68 official cadres, of which 29 members, responsible for the area within the 9 streets, 3 townships of state-owned, collective, private-owned and individual industrial and commercial tax collection and management work. Existing types of units more than 12,000 households, Hefei Municipal Taxation Bureau staff up to the largest units, the scope of collection and management of a branch of the largest. Since its establishment, the branch has guided Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ and thoroughly implemented the work principle of ’Sixteen Words for Strengthening Levy of Tax Collection, Closing Loopholes, Punishing Corruption and Paying Overdue Debts Arrears’ , Strict Management Team, Science and Technology plus Management, "and made breakthroughs in building the contingent of cadres so as to promote the development of various work and achieved remarkable results. Since the beginning of this year, despite the SARS impact, tax revenue has maintained a good momentum of growth. Branch in recent years has also been rated as district level, municipal level