一、《植物名实图考长编》在学术上的价值: 《植物名实图考长编》这部巨著是植物分类学、生药形态学、药物治疗学最宝贵的文献名著。百余年来在国内外研究植物学和本草学的人所熟悉且推崇的一部名著。作者吴其浚字瀹斋(1788—1846)河南省固始县人。《植物名实图考长编》成书于1844年他出任云南巡抚、云贵总督期间。1846年调任山西巡抚,后以旧疾屡发,辞归故里而卒。他死后二年(1848)由接替他职务的陆应谷(云南蒙自人1802—1857)作序刊行问世。这部伟大的植物学、本草学名著最伟大的地方,是《图考》而不是《长编》。
I. The Academic Value of “The Name of Plant Names and Chart Exams”: “The Masterpiece of Plant Name Charts” This giant book is the most valuable literature masterpiece of plant taxonomy, crude drug morphology, and drug therapy. A masterpiece known and admired by people studying botanical and herbal medicine at home and abroad for more than a hundred years. The author Wu Qiyu Zi Zhai Zhai (1788-1846) was a native of Gushi County, Henan Province. The book “Plant name real map editor” was written in 1844 and served as governor of Yunnan and Governor of Yunnan and Guizhou. In 1846, he was transferred to the governor of Shanxi Province. After repeated illnesses, he resigned from his hometown and died. Two years after his death (1848), Lu Yinggu (1802 - 1857, Mengzi People, Yunnan), who succeeded him, issued a preliminary publication. The greatest place in this great botany and herbalist masterpiece is Tuoke instead of Long.