Pieces of Chinese Herbal Medicine are processed products made from processed Chinese guns to make certain specifications for the finished products. In the 30 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the production of Chinese Herbal Pieces has developed. From a small slice of processing department or group, expand into a slice production plant. By the end of 1984, there were more than 1,500 pieces of decoction plants, more than 500 processing departments, and more than 30,000 employees, producing and supplying 355 million kilograms of decoction pieces. The products of the decoction pieces production plant not only have to meet the needs of the people’s health care in the country, but also some decoction plants also produce export decoction pieces. Zhangzhou City’s decoction plant processed 84 million kilograms of codonopsis, astragalus, angelica, pinellia, berberine, yam, and rehmannia for more than 10 kilograms of dried decoction pieces, and achieved a net profit of 100,000 yuan. In 1984, the State Council made it clear that the Chinese Herbal Piece Factory will no longer pay adjustment tax after paying income tax. All profits remain. In addition, from this year onwards, the State will allocate a special allocation of 10 million yuan for the technological transformation of Chinese herbal medicines. However, we cannot fail to see that the Chinese medicine processing experience handed down over thousands of years has not been inherited and promoted by our current corporate comrades. So far, there has been no production system for traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces, and there is no directing system for the technology of decoction pieces. Most of the decoction plants are still based on the hands-on workshops. There are several reasons for this situation.