
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:superyoumyhao
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Aim: In Sweden, paediatricians or general practitioners treat most adolescents with asthma. This study compares management, treatment goals and quality of life for adolescents aged 15-18 y in paediatric or primary care. Material and methods: A random sample of patients answered a disease-specific and a quality-of-life (MiniAQLQ) questionnaire. Results: The 146 adolescents in paediatric care had more years with asthma, better continuity of annual surveillance, higher use of inhaled steroids and a stated better knowledge of their asthma than the 174 patients in primary care. No difference could be detected in asthma control or quality of life. Of all 320 adolescents, approximately 20%had woken at night due to asthma symptoms during the last week. About 15%hadmade unscheduled, urgent care visits and a third had used short-acting beta-agonist relievers more than twice a week. Quality-of-life scores were high and similar in both settings. Conclusions: Swedish adolescents with asthma are managed and treated somewhat differently in paediatric and primary care but with equal and, for the most part, satisfying results. The difference between the two settings probably reflects both differences in severity of asthma and different treatment traditions. For all adolescents, better ful-filment of goals regarding symptoms and exacerbations would be desirable, whereas a good quality of life including normal physical activity seems to have been achieved. Aim: In Sweden, pediatricians or general practitioners treat most adolescents with asthma. This study compares management, treatment goals and quality of life for adolescents aged 15-18 y in pediatric or primary care. Material and methods: A random sample of patients answered a Results: The 146 adolescents in pediatric care had more years with asthma, better continuity of annual surveillance, higher use of inhaled steroids and a stated better knowledge of their asthma than the Of all 320 adolescents, approximately 20% had woken at night due to asthma symptoms during the last week. About 15% hadmade unscheduled, urgent care visits and a third had used short-acting beta-agonist relievers more than twice a week. Quality-of-life scores were high and similar in both settings. Conclusions: Swedish adolescents with asthma are man aged and treated somewhat differently in paediatric and primary care but with equal and, for the most part, satisfying results. The difference between the two settings probably prompted both differences in severity of asthma and different treatment traditions. For all adolescents, better ful-filment of goals regarding symptoms and exacerbations would be desirable, an a good quality of life including normal physical activity seems to have been achieved.
情景一  每次到了玩具店,儿子总是着了魔似的要买玩具,一旦不顺从他的要求,他便赖在地上大哭大叫,任凭你软硬兼施、好话说尽,也是没效果。最后的结果不是使尽力气强行拉着儿子离开玩具,就是心不甘情不愿地掏出钱来。  无效招数:遇到上述情况,许多年轻妈妈的反应可能是冲着孩子大声嚷嚷:“看我回家怎么收拾你!”“以后再也不带你出来了!”有的妈妈还会用武力来解决这让人恼火的场面。但这种让双方都身心俱疲的方法并没
【摘要】高中阶段的无机化学学起来比有机化学要复杂写,但只要掌握了方法,做题时就会得心应手,本文就归纳出了高中阶段比较常用的一般规律和特殊例子。  【关键词】规律 特殊  【中图分类号】G423  【文献标识码】A  【文章编号】1006——5962(2012)01(a)——0039——02  高中化学记忆内容虽然较多,但规律性很强,在学习过程中,只要做到及时理解,及时归纳,及时总结,及时记忆,就会
启普发生器由三部分组成,即球形漏斗、双球形容器和带活塞的玻璃导管,如图1。 The Kepler generator consists of three parts: a spherical funnel, a double spherical co