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采用等离子Ti+N共渗的方法对汽车内燃机活塞进行表面防护处理,对比分析了基材和表面Ti-N共渗层的表面形貌、物相和常温摩擦磨损性能。结果表明,经过Ti-N共渗后的基材表面形成了厚度约为14μm的合金层,表面合金层与基体界面结合良好,组织致密、均匀。随着离表面距离的增加,Cu元素含量逐渐增加,N元素和B元素含量逐渐减少,Ti元素含量呈现先增加而后降低的趋势。汽车内燃机活塞基材的主要物相为BeCu,经过Ti-N共渗处理后的表面物相主要为BeCu和TiN。Ti-N共渗层的磨损体积和磨损率都要明显小于基材,经过等离子表面改性处理后的内燃机活塞摩擦磨损性能得到明显提高。 Plasma Ti + N co-permeation method was applied to the surface protection of the internal combustion engine pistons. The surface morphology, phase and friction and wear properties of Ti-N co-permeation layer were compared and analyzed. The results show that the alloy layer with a thickness of about 14μm is formed on the surface of the substrate after Ti-N infiltration. The interface between the alloy layer and the substrate is well bonded and the structure is dense and uniform. With the increase of the distance from the surface, the content of Cu gradually increased, the content of N and B gradually decreased, and the content of Ti increased first and then decreased. The main phase of automotive internal combustion engine piston base material is BeCu. The surface phases after Ti-N infiltration are mainly BeCu and TiN. Ti-N co-diffusion layer wear volume and wear rate should be significantly less than the substrate, after plasma surface modification of the internal combustion engine piston friction and wear performance has been significantly improved.
Some years ago on a hot summer day in south Florida,a little boy decided to go for a swim in the old swimming pool behind his house. In a hurry to dive into the
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