【总体阅读思考】阅读这篇文章,可围绕以下几个问题进行。一、这篇文章原题是《寸方纸上,气象万千——世界邮票漫谈》,收入教材时改为《邮票的起源》,试说明为何这样改?改后的命题同原题相比好在哪里? 二、快速阅读,边读边写,列出结构提纲。三、文章第一、二段是写邮票的起源的。可否删掉故事,改为:早在邮票问世之前,人们的书信往来已有悠久的历史。十九世纪中期,书信往来日趋频繁,但那时邮寄信件的费用是由收信人付的。后来,一个叫罗兰·希尔的英国贵族向英国政府提出改革邮政管理制度的建议:由寄信人购买邮票作为已交付邮费的凭证。英国政府采纳了这个建议,于1840年5月6日正式发行邮票。
[Overall Reading Thinking] Reading this article can be done around the following questions. I. The original title of this article was “An inch of paper on the square, Meteorology - Talk about stamps around the world”. When the income textbook was changed to “The origin of the stamp,” the test explained why this changed. The reformed proposition is better than the original title. Where? Second, read quickly, read while writing, and outline the structure. Third, the first and second paragraphs of the article are the origins of writing stamps. Can the story be deleted, instead: Before the advent of stamps, people’s correspondence has a long history. In the mid-nineteenth century, correspondence was increasingly frequent, but the cost of mailing at that time was paid by the recipient. Later, a British aristocrat called Roland Hill proposed to the British government a proposal to reform the postal administration system: The sender purchased stamps as a proof of delivery. The British government adopted this proposal and officially issued a stamp on May 6, 1840.