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关注乐百氏和法国达能合资,不止是因为这件企业“家事”的生动有趣,而是这么一件“生动有趣”的事,当事者的讲述却十分隐约含糊。老实说,这不是爱露脸的中国企业的风格。 当快乐需要压抑,当胜利只能偷偷品尝,我们当然无法欣赏到像美国在线和时代华纳那样的“梦幻合并”,像香港盈动对香港电信那样的“完美收购”。我们能看到的,只是聚光灯下一张张表情凝重的脸——虽然在没人看到的幕后,他们彼此展现的是真心笑容。 当可口可乐宣布它不再是一个美国公司,而是一个全球企业的时候,这里可能有某种“做秀”的成分。但对它而言,显而易见的是:企业的“旗帜”要为“利益”服务,而不是相反。大而言之,对一个国家也是如此。 当然,“旗帜”是不容易彻底抛弃的,正像非公所有制企业仍喜欢戴各种各样的“帽子”一样,没有了“旗帜”,许多企业就好像失去了“名分”,也就失去了社会根基和安全。所以我们才能看到,一家外国企业控股的公司要强调它生产的是“中国人自己的”产品,一个业务繁忙的富豪说:“我一半的时间在研究政治。”一个私营企业老板要向当地的国企“带枪投靠”。以及看到乐百氏在小心翼翼地向社会公众解释它的“家事”。 多么希望我们能够对中国的企业说:尽情释放你全部的活力,释放你的快乐吧! Concern over the joint venture between Robust and Danone in France is not just because of the lively and interesting nature of this company’s “family business”, but the fact that it is such a “lively and interesting” thing that the parties’ accounts are vaguely vague. To be honest, this is not the style of Chinese companies that show their faces. When happiness needs to be repressed, when victory can only be secretly tasted, we certainly cannot appreciate “dream mergers” like AOL and Time Warner, like the “perfect acquisition” of Hong Kong Telecom for Hong Kong Telecom. What we can see is just a face with a dignified face under the spotlight - although behind the scenes no one sees, they are showing true smiles to each other. When Coca-Cola announced that it was no longer a U.S. company, but a global company, there may be some kind of “show” component. But for it, it is obvious that the “flags” of companies should serve “interests,” not the other way around. In large terms, it is also true for a country. Of course, “banners” are not easily abandoned. Just as non-state-owned enterprises still like to wear a variety of “hats,” they do not have “banners.” Many companies seem to have lost “fame points.” Lost social foundation and security. So we can see that a company controlled by a foreign company wants to emphasize that it produces “Chinese own” products. A busy business man said: “I spend half my time studying politics.” The state-owned enterprises “fired with the gun.” And see Robust carefully explaining its “family affairs” to the public. How I hope we can say to Chinese companies: Let’s release your full energy and release your happiness!
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