创新绿化理念 拓展绿化思路 湖北省国土绿化追求全民化社会化

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近年来,湖北省认真贯彻落实《中共中央国务院关于加快林业发展的决定》和全国绿化委员会第22次全体会议精神,创新绿化理念,拓展绿化思路,努力开创国土绿化工作的新局面,国土绿化和义务植树工作取得了骄人的成绩。(一)领导重视,绿化工作呈现新格局。去年4月27日,省委、省政府在武昌专门召开全省林业工作会议,中央政治局委员、省委书记俞正声、省长罗清泉等领导同志作了重要讲话。5月24日,省委、省政府作出《关于加快林业发展的决定》,在体制、投入、机构、政策等方面对全民义务植树和国土绿化工作的长期稳定发展作了系统安排,进一步加快了我省全民义务植树和国土绿化工作建设步伐。地方各级党委、政府也非常重视,有力地推动了全民义务植树和国土绿化工作。(二)转变思路,植树造林目的性增强。近年来,湖北省林业产业化建设基本实现了“三个转变”;一是由单纯林业部门造林向全社会造林的转变,二是由被动的“要我造林”向主动的“我要造林”转变,三是由较为分散和无目的造林向有目的、建大型产业基地造林转变。(三)活化机制,掀起了民营造林的新高潮。通过拍卖、出租、承包、合作、股份制等有效形式引进民营主参与林业建设,鼓励国家、集体、个人一起上。宜城市吸纳社会资金1740万元,高标准完成造林3.6万亩 In recent years, Hubei Province has conscientiously implemented the spirit of “Decision of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Accelerating Forestry Development” and the spirit of the 22nd Plenary Session of the National Greening Committee, innovated the concept of afforestation, expanded the idea of ​​afforestation and made great efforts to create a new situation of land afforestation. Obligatory tree planting has made remarkable achievements. (A) the leadership attention, afforestation showed a new pattern. On April 27 last year, the provincial party committee and government held a special forestry work conference in Wuchang. Leaders of Provincial CPC Committee Yu Zhengsheng, Governor of the Central Committee, Luo Qingquan and other leading comrades made important speeches. On May 24, the provincial party committee and government made a “Decision on Speeding up Forestry Development” and systematically arranged the long-term and steady development of obligatory afforestation and national afforestation in the aspects of system, input, organization and policy, and further accelerated the Our province volunteer tree planting and land greening construction pace. Local Party committees and governments at all levels also attach great importance to and vigorously promoted the voluntary work of tree planting and land afforestation. (B) change ideas, the purpose of afforestation increased. In recent years, the industrialization of forestry in Hubei Province has basically achieved “three changes”; one is the transformation from afforestation in the pure forestry sector to afforestation in the whole society; the second is the transformation from passive “asking me to afforestation” to “initiative afforestation” Change, the third is from a more decentralized and purposeless afforestation to purposeful, large-scale industrial base afforestation change. (III) Activation mechanism set off a new upsurge of private afforestation. Private-owned owners should be brought in for forestry construction through such forms of auction, renting, contracting, cooperation and joint-stock companies, and encourage the state, the collective and the individuals to join together. Yicheng City to absorb social funds 17.4 million yuan, a high standard of afforestation 36000 acres
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