
来源 :历史教学问题 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MagicStone2005
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客家作为汉民族的一个独立民系,有着区别于其他民系的特定地域、特定方言、特定民俗习惯和特定的文化心理。以往史学界的研讨多侧重于把视点放在民族大迁徙上。民系的形成同民族迁移有关,这是无庸置疑的,但民族的迁徙只是外部条件,是形成民系的原因,并非民系的内涵本身。客家科学内涵的界定必须以上述几方面为主要依据,必须建立在对上述几个方面系统研究的基础之上。另一方 As an independent nationality of the Han nationality, Hakka has its own unique geographical area, specific dialects, specific folk customs and specific cultural psychology, which are different from other popular clans. Historians in the past mostly focused their research on national trekking. It is beyond doubt that the formation of a people's department is related to the national migration. However, the migration of a nation is only an external condition and the reason for forming a people's department, not the connotation of the people's department itself. The definition of Hakka science connotation must be based on the above aspects, and must be based on the systematic study of the above aspects. The other party
A new diarylheptanoid glucoside,(8R,9R)-17-methoxy-2-oxatricyclo[]icosa-l(17),3(20),4,6, 15,18-hexaene-4,9,10-triol-9-O-β-D-glucopyranoside(1),na
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炎热的暑夏,人们易于上火,上火后往往血热迫血妄行,引发鼻衄(鼻出血),当发生鼻衄时,可选用下列验方治疗,多能获效。验方1:大黄6g,代赭石30g,川牛膝10g。 Hot summer, people