中国人是一个讲究吃的民族,经数千年饮食文化的积累和改良研究,才有了各式各样巧妙而实用的烹调技法,才有了现代饮食文化的丰富多彩。自本期起,本栏目将逐一介绍各种常用的烹调技法。希望得到读者朋友的喜欢。 烹调技法中,火候的掌握是不可或缺的要件。所以烹调技法的介绍就先从火候开始。 火候的重要性 火候,就是烹制菜肴时所用的火力大小和时间长短。火候是决定菜肴品质的关键,任何食物只有火候掌握得恰到好处,才能做出色泽艳丽、香
Chinese people are a nation that pay attention to eating. After thousands of years of research on the accumulation and improvement of food culture, have all sorts of ingenious and practical cooking techniques been developed, so that the modern food culture is rich and colorful. Starting from this issue, this section will introduce various commonly used cooking techniques. I hope readers like it. Cooking techniques, the heat of the grasp is an essential requirement. Therefore, the introduction of cooking techniques first start from the heat. The importance of heat The heat is the size and duration of the fire used to cook the dishes. The heat is the key to the quality of the dishes, any food can only be controlled just right, to make a beautiful color, incense