本刊专稿 主永民1962年以优异成绩考入中国科技大学,1968年7月于该校无线电电子学系毕业。 1970年至1977年在国防科委四川省永川1424研究所工作期间,作为技术骨干参加了具有国内先进水平的“全离子注入电荷耦合器件C4D合格管芯”集成电路的研究工作,独立设计并研制成功了“全集成电路C4D器件测试台”。 1978年到1982年在河南省南阳地区科委工作期间,自选课题从
Zhuang Yongzheng Zhuang Yong was admitted to China University of Science and Technology with honors in 1962 and graduated from the Department of Radio Electronics in July 1968. From 1970 to 1977, he worked as a technical backbone in the work of National Science and Technology Commission 1424 Research Institute of Yongchuan, Sichuan Province, and participated in the research work of integrated circuit of “fully ion-implanted Charge Coupled Device C4D Qualified Die” with advanced technology in China. Successful “full integrated circuit C4D device test bed.” From 1978 to 1982 in Nanyang Prefecture, Henan Province Science and Technology Commission work period, the subject from the election