International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, (ICID) The 7th Asia-Africa Regional Conference was held in Tokyo, Japan from October 15 to October 20, 1989. 683 people from 407 countries and 9 international agencies in Asia and Africa (407 in Japan) Attended the meeting The conference has received 158 papers, which are divided into five topics: “International Cooperation for Irrigation and Drainage” (Article 8); “Water Resources Development (53 articles); ”Water Management and Control (Irrigation)“ (56 articles); ”Water Management and Control (Drainage and Flood Control)“ (21 articles); ”Rural Development Plan for Asian and African Countries" 23 articles), the Tokyo Declaration was released at the closing ceremony. The declaration pointed out that in order to promote the peace and prosperity of humankind in the future, agricultural and rural development based on irrigation and drainage should be promoted to promote economic development and people’s livelihood Stability; improve the productivity of crops such as grain, to ensure a stable supply of food; to prevent over-the-counter