一 唐玄宗天宝十四年(公元775年)十一月,安禄山在范阳发动叛乱,公开向唐朝举起了叛旗。由于唐朝无备,再兼以措置失当,结果安军势如破竹,很快便打到潼关。唐玄宗见形势不妙,只得率领一班人马逃出京城。但当他们一行逃至长安西北的马嵬驿时,却发生了一场意想不到的事变。《旧唐书》卷106《杨国忠传》: 翌日,至马嵬,军土饥而愤怒,龙武将军陈玄礼惧乱,先谓军士曰:“今天下崩离,万乘震荡,岂不由杨国忠割剥甿庶,朝野怨咎,以至此耶?若不诛之以谢天下,何以塞四海之怨愤!”众曰:“念之久矣。事行,身死固所愿也。”会吐蕃和好使在驿门遮国忠诉事,军士呼曰:“杨国忠与蕃人谋叛。”诸军乃围驿擒国忠,斩首以徇。是日,贵妃既缢,韩国、虢国二夫人亦为乱兵所杀,御史大夫魏方进死,左相韦见秦伤。 这就是历史上有名的马嵬之变。
Tang Xuanzong Tianbao fourteen years (AD 775) In November, An Lushan in Fan Yang to launch a rebellion, openly uprising banner to the Tang Dynasty. Due to the lack of equipment in the Tang Dynasty and again mishandling, the result was that the security forces were overwhelming and soon reached Tongguan. Tang Xuanzong see the situation is not good, only led a team of people escaped from the capital. However, an unexpected incident happened when they fled to Matianyi in the northwest of Chang’an. “Old Tang” Volume 106, “Yang Guozhong Biography”: the next day, to stirrup, army and famine and anger, General Longwu Wu Chen fear of chaos, first said the sergeant said: “Today’s collapse, Wan shocks, would not Yang Guozhong cut Rogue Shu, complain of grievances, as a result of this? If you do not punish the world, why the whole world resentment! ”Public said:“ read for a long time. So that in the Yemen cover Zhongzhong litigation, sergeant said: ”Yang Guozhong and the beholder to seek rebellion." The military is stationed around the station Guozhong, beheaded with 徇. It is the day, the Royal Concubine, South Korea, Kuomintang two daughters also killed for the chaos, imperial doctor Wei Fang Jin, left Wei see Qin injury. This is the history of the famous stirrups.