Institutional conversations, such as doctor-patient dialogue, court cross-examination, news gathering, etc., are often considered to have obvious power relations because of their prominent discourse structure, especially the question-answer sequence. Family conversations that occur among family members have been criticized by many Western scholars Drew and Heritage (1992) and Levinson (1983) consider that there is no power relationship because there is an equal relationship between the conversational participants. In this paper, the daily conversations of two Chinese families collected are taken as the corpus. By investigating the number of turn-taking, the number of words, the number of questions, the types of questions and the pragmatic functions of the participants in the corpus, we not only find out that the questions in the family conversation are An important way to implement the power, and the power to implement the question in Chinese family conversation has distinct characteristics. The findings of this article will help people to understand some of the common features of Chinese family conversation.