江苏邳州港务局是京杭运河一家中小港口,但由于他们不等不靠立足艰苦创业,除把有限的资金积累用到港口建设的刀刃上外,还大胆地实施“借梯上楼”的发展战略,使自己从过去同行业的矮子成长、“高大”起来。如今该港已是江苏四大煤港之一,年吞吐能力达550万吨。1994年港口提前47天完成各项经济技术指标计划,吞吐量、人均产值、创利税居同行业前列。 近几年,邳州港务局发挥京杭运河龙头港的区位优势,内引外联,广辟财源,拓展港口效益规模,先后实施了以下决策:
As a small and medium-sized port on the Grand Canal, Pizhou Port Administration of Jiangsu Province, as a result of their arduous pioneering work, relies on their limited capital accumulation in the port construction and boldly implements the development strategy of “using the ladder to go upstairs” , So that he grew up in the same industry dwarf, “tall” up. Today the port is one of the four major coal mines in Jiangsu Province with an annual handling capacity of 5.5 million tons. In 1994, the port completed various economic and technical indicators plans 47 days in advance, throughput, output per capita, profits and taxes in the forefront of the industry. In recent years, Pizhou Port Authority to play the advantages of the Grand Canal Grand Canal Hong Kong location, within the Union, widen the sources of resources to expand the scale of the port benefits, has implemented the following decisions: