Portable computer programhelp drllling optlmizationby Chris H. ReinsvoldSmith Tool Division of Smith International Inc.A NEW TOOL has been devised to help drilling con-tractors and operators answer complex drilling ques-tions both at the office and in the field. This informa-tion, available for quite a few years, is now more sim-ply and quickly computed through the utilization ofmodern programming and micro-computer technology.As part of its commitment to lowering drilling costsper foot and in an effort to provide more complete,precise technical information in the field, Smith Toolhas developed a family of new portable computer pro-grams that: (1) alleviate the complications of ter-
Portable computer programhelp drllling optlmizationby Chris H. Reinsvold Smith Tool Division of Smith International Inc. A NEW TOOL has been devised to help drilling con-tractors and operators answer complex drilling ques- tions both at the office and in the field. This informa- tion, available for quite a few years, is now more sim-ply and quickly computed through the utilization of modern programming and micro-computer technology. As part of its commitment to lowering drilling costsper foot and in an effort to provide more complete, precise technical information in the field, Smith Toolhas developed a family of new portable computer pro-grams that: (1) alleviate the complications of ter-