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1992年9月4日,全国七届人大第27次会议通过了《关于修改〈中华人民共和国专利法〉的决定》,修改后的专利法使我国的专利保护水平进一步靠近国际标准,这也为我国恢复在《关贸总协定》中的缔约国地位消除了一个障碍。随着我国知识产权制度的不断完善,我国的经济和科技事业的运行必将逐步向国际规则和国际惯例靠拢,我们必须加强自主创新能力,为企业的技术改造和新产品研制生产提供更多的 On September 4, 1992, the 27th meeting of the Seventh National People’s Congress passed the Decision on Amending the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China. The amended Patent Law further brought the level of patent protection in China closer to international standards. This is also because My country’s resumption of its status as a signatory party to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade has eliminated one obstacle. With the constant improvement of the intellectual property system in our country, the operation of economy and science and technology in our country will surely gradually move closer to the international rules and international practices. We must strengthen the capability of independent innovation and provide more technical innovation and new product development and production for enterprises
为使林场、苗圃扭亏为盈,获得好的经济效益,本文运用量本利分析原理,对林场苗圃应如何开展多种经营和经营安全率进行了分析预测。 In order to turn forest farms and nurse
<正> 据《美国比较法杂志》公告,第13届国际比较法大会将于1990年8月19至25日在加拿大的蒙特利尔举行,会址设在麦吉尔大学(McGill University)。本届大会的议题如下: 1.法制史与法律人种学——其他国家法律起草者
应美国“新剧作家协会”的邀请,中国电视艺术家协会代表团一行二人赴美进行了为期半月的访问。 “新剧作家协会”会址在纽约一条繁华的大街上,由一个19世纪的教堂改建,内有
RNA interference(RNAi)is an adaptive defense mechanism through which double-stranded RNAs silence cognate genes in a sequence-specific manner.It has beenemploy
国籍:德国 位置:前锋 出生:1960年月13日生于德国汉瑙 身高:1米79 体重:77公斤 效力球队:德国汉瑙TSV1860队、慕尼黑1860队、云达不莱梅 Nationality: Germany Position: striker