The antifungal caspofungin is a semi-synthetic derivative of the lipohexapetide pneumocandin B_0 produced by the fungus ......
Integrative omics analysis identifies macrophage migration inhibitory factor signaling pathways unde
目的分析神经危重症感染患者肺炎克雷伯病原菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae,KP)同源性与基因组学的关系。方法选取2015-2018年神经危重症感......
目的 筛选出创伤性脑损伤(TBI)大鼠海马的差异表达基因.方法 TBI组(3只)采用液压冲击装置,建立大鼠中度TBI模型.对照组(5只)除不予......
Molecular Biology based on the DNA Double-helix structure has made great progress in 20 century.After Human Genome Proje......
Systems biology is an emerging science of the 21st century and its method and design of study resemble those of traditio......
The Human Genome Project was launched at the end of the 1980s.Since then,the cloning and identification of functional ge......
The development of replacement heifers is at the core of cow-calf beef production systems. In 2020, the USDA, National A......
Phylogeography of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Spain:a story of multiple introductions,micro-geographic st
Spain has been one of the main global pandemic epicenters for coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19).Here,we analyzed >41 000......
High-throughput sequencing is a revolutionary technological innovation in DNA sequencing.This technology has an ultra-lo......
Precision health refers to personalized healthcare based on a person’s unique genetic,genomic,or omic composition withi......
Germline genomes have a dominant-heritable contribution to cancer immune evasion and immunotherapy r
Background: Immune evasion is a fundamental hallmark for cancer.At the early stages of tumor development,immune evasion ......
The complex pattern of cancer evolution poses a huge challenge to precision oncology.Longitudinal sequencing of tumor sa......
,A Chromosome-Scale Genome Assembly of Paper Mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera)Provides New Insights
Paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera) is a well-known woody tree historically used for Cai Lun papermaking,one of the......
Neospora caninum (N.caninum),a cyst-forming protozoan parasite,is a major cause of bovine abortions and neonatal mortali......
目的 探讨一株分离自关节假体周围感染(periprosthetic joint infections,PJI)患者假体的临床金黄色葡菌球菌是否适合作为PJI致病机制......
The last ten years have seen remarkable progress in cancer research.However,despite significant breakthroughs in the und......
Genomics in personalized cancer medicine and its impact on early drug development in China:report fr
Posterior fossa ependymoma comprises two distinct molecular entities,ependymoma_posterior fossa A(EPN_PFA)and ependymoma......
1 IntroductionrnSince human genome sequencing has been almost completed, human genome project will quickly move on to th......
新版对生物制品的质量要求更高,其中对生物制品宿主细胞蛋白(host cell protein,HCP)残留量的限制也更严格.新兴的系统生物学(包括......
Publicly-accessible resources have promoted the advance of scientific discovery. The era of genomics and big data has br......
Cancer genomics is a rapidly growing discipline in which the genetic molecular basis of malignancy is studied at the sca......
Genomics in personalized cancer medicine and its impact on early drug development in China:report fr
The 6th Annual Meeting of the United States Chinese Anti-Cancer Association (USCACA) was held in conjunction with the 50......
目的 通过基因芯片寻找大鼠激素性股骨头坏死组织中表达变化的基因,尝试探讨激素诱发股骨头坏死的始动因素和分子机制.方法 2007年......
Next-generation sequencing(NGS) technology, with its high-throughput capacity and low cost, has developed rapidly in rec......
Transcriptome and Proteome Expressions Involved in Insulin Resistance in Muscle and Activated T-Lymp
We analyzed the genes expressed (transcriptomes) and the proteins translated (pro- teomes) in muscle tissues and activat......