从武清站出来,马路对面,一大片意大利风格建筑,要不是周遭的环境和语言泄了密,没有理由不相信自己正身处于一个欧洲的小镇。在这里,我们见到了佛罗伦萨小镇董事长Lvano Poma先生。什么是真正的奥特莱斯?Lvano Poma先生详细地给我解释:“奥特莱斯可不是随便凑几个品牌打打折就行的,在欧洲,真正的奥特菜斯一定要具备三个因素:远离市中心、提供正品、折扣的力度大。”首先,只有远离市中心才可以避免和正价专卖店之间产生的恶性竞争,其次,奥特莱斯最吸引人的地方一定是花相对便宜的钱买到品牌正品。建在京津之间的佛罗伦萨小镇拥有一百五十多个国际品牌,折扣2-7折,而像PRADA、CELINE、BVLGARI这些品牌,国内也只有在这里能享受到折扣了。这里有别于其他奥特莱斯的特点在于,佛罗伦萨小镇提供的商品在颜色和尺寸上都比较
From Wuqing station, across the road, a large Italian-style building, if not the surrounding environment and language leaked, there is no reason not to believe that he is in a European town. Here, we met Mr. Lvano Poma, the chairman of Florence Town. What is the true outlet? Mr. Lvano Poma explained to me in detail: “Outlets is not just a few brands to play discount on the line, in Europe, the true Otis must have three Factors: Far from the center of the city, offering genuine products, and discounts.” First of all, only away from the city center can avoid vicious competition with the regular price stores, and secondly, the most attractive place for Outlets must be flowers Relatively cheap money to buy brand authentic. The town of Florence, which is built between Beijing and Tianjin, has more than 150 international brands with discounts of 2-7 fold, while brands like PRADA, CELINE and BVLGARI are only able to enjoy discounts here. This is different from other outlets in that the town of Florence offers products that are comparable in color and size.