
来源 :汕尾市人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Mywillz
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汕府办函[2015]90号各县(市、区)人民政府,市政府各部门、各直属机构:统计是政府制定国民经济和社会发展规划、进行科学决策和宏观调控管理的重要基础。统计基层基础建设是政府统计工作的基石,其统计质量直接影响统计数据的真实有效。近年来,我市统计基层基础建设取得明显进步,但仍然存在人员和经费不足、人员素质不高、队伍不稳、规范化建设滞后等突出问题。根据市委、市政府关于全面推进依法治市和省统计局确定2015年为全省“统计基层基础建设年”的 No. 90 [2015] of the People’s Government of All Counties (Cities and Districts) in the Counties (Cities and Districts) of Shantou Government Departments and Departments Directly under the Municipal Government Statistics are the important basis for the government to formulate plans for national economy and social development and make scientific decisions and macro-control management. Statistics Grass-roots infrastructure is the cornerstone of government statistics, the statistical quality of a direct impact on the statistical data is true and effective. In recent years, the basic infrastructure construction in our city has made significant progress. However, there are still outstanding problems such as lack of personnel and funds, low quality of personnel, unstable teams and lagging standardization. According to the municipal government on the comprehensively promoting the city according to law and the Provincial Bureau of Statistics to determine 2015 as the province “basic infrastructure construction year ”
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OBJECTIVE:To identify global research trends of stem cell transplantation for treating spinal cord injury using a bibliometric analysis of the Web of Science.DA
通过对 1999年全区少年田径锦标赛跳远比赛的观摩和测试 ,分析我区少年跳远水平下降的原因 ,与同行们共同探讨 ,以尽快提高我区少年运动员的跳远技术水平 By observing and