一、问题及其背景 深圳是在一个特殊的历史时期、于一个特殊的地点、以一种特殊的方式建立起来的一个特殊城市。深圳自设立经济特区以来,在15年里,国内生产总值以年均25.5%的高速度持续增长,使这个昔日的渔乡小镇一跃而成为我国现代化和国际化程度最高的特大城市,在我国经济增长和对外开放中具有不容忽视的重要地位。可以说,深圳是个奇迹。 是什么原因造就了深圳的奇迹?归纳起来,主要因素不外以下四个方面:(1)在改革开放的探索阶段,经济特区作为改革开放的“试验田”享有中央赋予的特殊政策。(2)毗邻香港的地理位置。(3)80年代由轻型化产业增长主导的经济增长方式所提供的发展机遇。(4)深圳特区建设者的超凡胆识和卓绝努力。但是,从90年代中期开始,深圳发展的内外部条件发生了一系列重大变化。 首先,全国的改革进入了全面深化的新阶段,并形成了举国开放的态势。一方面,深圳作为经济特区所享有的特殊政策已经普惠全国,有的地方甚至享有更特殊的政策;另一方面,各地都在学习深圳的经验,在学习的过程中又有了许多新的创造。这都使深圳原有的政策优势大大减弱。
I. Problems and Their Background Shenzhen is a special city built in a special way in a special historical period in a special way. Since the establishment of the special economic zone in Shenzhen, in 15 years, its GDP has continued to grow at an average annual rate of 25.5%, making the former township of fishing towns and cities one of the megacities with the highest degree of modernization and internationalization in our country. In our country’s economic growth and opening up has an important position that can not be ignored. It can be said that Shenzhen is a miracle. To sum up, the main factors are no more than the following four aspects: (1) During the exploratory stage of reform and opening up, the SEZs enjoy the special policies promulgated by the Central Government as the “experimental fields” for reform and opening up. (2) Adjacent to Hong Kong’s geographical location. (3) Development opportunities provided by the economic growth mode dominated by the growth of the light industry in the 1980s. (4) extraordinary courage and diligence of the builders in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. However, since the mid-1990s, a series of major changes have taken place in the internal and external conditions for the development of Shenzhen. First of all, the country’s reform has entered a new phase of deepening its all-round deepening and has shaped the opening of the whole country. On the one hand, the special policies enjoyed by Shenzhen as a special economic zone have become commonplace throughout the country, and some places even enjoy even more special policies. On the other hand, all localities are learning from Shenzhen’s experience and have many new create. All these have greatly weakened the existing policy advantages in Shenzhen.