本文选自德国慕尼黑工业大学教授阿尔伯斯1988年出版的Stadtplanung:Einepraxisorientierte Einführung(《城市规划理论与实践概论》,科学出版社,2000年)一书的第二章。为适应本刊风格,本文发表时删除了原文插图。本文概述了欧洲,特别是德国从古代到1970年代之间城市规划发展的历史过程。作者曾对第一次世界大战之前和第二次世界大战之后的城市历史与理论进行了长期研究,发表有多部理论巨著。本文对城市规划发展历史进程的概述,展现了现代城市规划形成与发展以及面对社会变迁而认识觉醒的全过程,代表了这个时代德国学派在城市规划历史与理论研究方面达到的世界水平和学术高度。诚如作者在本书前言中所称,城市规划历史不仅要研究专业技术的进步,还要研究规划目标和价值标准的发展,洞察“今天的城市规划目标建立在什么基础上,理想的城市环境的具体模型设想将向何处发展”。作者断言,“在城市面临的种种矛盾冲突中,不应该期望能够找到一种简单有效的解决方法或者‘药方’。……城市规划是一种以热情加个人经验从事的持之以恒的工作。”本书各章节分别为:①城市规划——社会秩序的组成部分;②城市规划的历史发展;③城市规划的工作方法;④城市规划的法律和组织;⑤城市规划的实践;⑥城市规划的展望。
This article is from Chapter 2 of Stadtplanung: Einepraxisorientierte Einführung (Introduction to Theory and Practice of Urban Planning, Science Press, 2000), published by Prof. Albers, Munich University of Technology, Germany in 1988. In order to adapt to our style, this article deleted the original illustrations. This article provides an overview of the historical process of urban planning in Europe, especially Germany, from ancient times to the 1970s. The author has conducted a long-term study of urban history and theory before the First World War and after World War II, and has published many theoretical monographs. This article gives an overview of the historical process of urban planning and development, shows the whole process of the formation and development of modern urban planning and the realization of social changes and awakens awakening, and represents the world level and academic attainment of German schools in this era in the history and theory of urban planning height. As the author said in the preface to this book, the history of urban planning should not only study the advancement of technical expertise, but also study the development of planning and value standards, insight into “what is the basis of today's urban planning goals, the ideal city The specific model of the environment envisaged where to develop. ” The author asserts that “in the various conflicts and conflicts confronting the city, one should not expect to find a simple and effective solution or prescription.” Urban planning is an ongoing effort with enthusiasm and personal experience. "The chapters in this book are: ① Urban Planning - Components of Social Order; ② Historical Development of Urban Planning; ③ Method of Work in Urban Planning; ④ Law and Organization of Urban Planning; ⑤ Practice of Urban Planning; ⑥ Urban Planning Outlook.