医院卫生经济管理是医院现代化建设的重要内容,越来越受到各级卫生行政部门和医院管理者的高度重视,并在卫生经济研究、加强卫生经济管理方面做了许多卓有成效的工作。由于卫生经济管理涉及的领域宽阔,本文仅在医院管理范畴,从医院科室管理角度,就有关卫生经济的一些基本问题加以阐述。 1 医院卫生经济管理发展概况 我国医院卫生经济研究与西方发达国家比较,起步较晚。新中国成立后较长的一段时期内,由于受“左”的思想影响,并在计划经济的条件下,不按经济规律办事,片面强调医院的福利性质,医疗收费价格越低越好,政府对卫生事业的投入又有限,这种吃大锅饭
Hospital health economic management is an important part of the modernization of hospitals. It has received increasing attention from health administrative departments and hospital administrators at all levels, and has done a lot of fruitful work in health economic research and strengthening health economic management. Because of the wide field involved in health economic management, this article only elaborates some basic issues related to health economics in terms of hospital management and hospital department management. 1 Overview of the Development of Hospital Health Economic Management Compared with western developed countries, the research of hospital health economics in China started relatively late. During a relatively long period of time after the founding of New China, due to the influence of the “Left” ideology and under the conditions of the planned economy, it did not follow the economic laws and emphasized the nature of the welfare of hospitals. The lower the price of medical fees, the better. The investment in health care is limited, this kind of eating rice