莼菜(Brasenia schreberi Gmel.)属睡莲科,为多年生水草。其新芽质地柔滑,外面又被有富含糖分的粘液,风味独特,故已驰名中外,供制作汤菜之上品,目前已成为珍贵的出口蔬菜,远销世界各地。 江苏太湖沿岸是莼菜的重要产区,近年来由于国内外需求骤增,供不应求的矛盾甚为突出。因此,如何才能达到适时采收,保质增产,是当地生产部门迫切要求解决的问题。为了探索这方面的问题,两年来我们曾就莼菜的形态构造及其生物学特性,进行过一系列的观察和研究,并从植物学的角度加以比较和分析,试图从中找出对莼菜合理采收的科学依据,以供生产部门参考。
Brasenia schreberi Gmel. Is a Nymphaeaceae, a perennial aquatic plant. Its sprout texture is silky, outside has been rich in sugar-containing mucus, unique flavor, it has been well-known at home and abroad for the production of soup vegetables on top, has now become a precious export vegetables, sold around the world. The coast of Taihu Lake in Jiangsu is an important producing area of Brasenia schreberi. In recent years, the contradiction between supply and demand is very prominent due to the surge in demand both at home and abroad. Therefore, how to achieve timely harvesting and increase yield is a pressing issue urgently required by the local production departments. In order to explore this issue, we have conducted a series of observations and researches on the morphological structure and biological characteristics of Brasenia schreberworm in the past two years and compared and analyzed from the botany point of view. Scientific basis for income, for the production department for reference.