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本世纪30年代初,西方世界爆发了经济大危机。由美国开始。不久便席卷了整个资本主义世界。工厂大批倒闭,经济全面混乱,四千余万工人和农民流离失所。直至1937年,在美国各大都市的街头上,还随处可见待领救济面包的长长行列。50余年过去了,在今天的美国,当今那些报刊杂志连篇累牍刊登的关于“经济大萧条”的新闻报道,和占满整个版面的新闻图片,除了部分老年人之外,人们似乎早已 In the early 1930s, a major economic crisis broke out in the western world. Started by the United States. Soon sweeping the entire capitalist world. Large-scale factory closures, complete economic turmoil, the displacement of more than 40 million workers and peasants. Until 1937, long queues of wafers were also found on the streets of major cities in the United States. More than 50 years have passed. In today’s United States, it seems as if people in these days, other than some of the elderly, have long been accustomed to the news reports about “Great Recession” published in newspapers and magazines today and the news articles that fill the entire page.
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