
来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:harryvincent
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  【Abstract】This paper is going to appreciate “August” by Charles Dickens from the angle of over-regularity which is part of Foregrounding theory.
  【Key words】Over-regularity; Phonological Level; Syntactical Level
  1. Over-regularity
  Over-regularity can be acquired on two levels: phonological and syntactical. On the phonological level, alliteration, assonance and consonance are the most commonly used in foregrounding, while on the syntactical level, parallelism and para-diastole are often used. The following part, the author is going to appreciate Charles Dickens’ “August” from these two levels.
  1.1 Phonological Level
  Sentence 4 (S4)
  In S4, phonological features can be seen in many places, for example, alliteration in “field” “flower” “fade” “from” and “sky” “sweet-smelling” “snow”, assonance in “green” “sweet” “bleak” and “sky” “ice” and consonance in “disappear” “clear” and “winds” “minds”. But “winds” and “minds” belongs more to eye rhyme.
  In S5, alliteration is also used in “bent” “beneath” and “branch”; consonance in “rich” “which” and “branch”.
  1.2. Syntactical Level
  Para-diastole is the use of euphemism to soften the force of naming a vice or a virtue. It is often used ironically. In biblical studies it has come to mean the repetition of disjunctive words in a list. This sentence could be rewritten as “August hasn’t such advantage.” and “August has disadvantage.” But this paragraph is talking about the beautiful and pleasant factors of August. So the author separate August from negative elements as far as possible. So para-diastole is used as a means of foregrounding.
  In S4, there are two adverbial clause initiated with “when” and create a parallelism. And “has faded from our minds as completely as they have disappeared from the earth” is also a symmetrical structure.
  To change the frequency of some language phenomenon is also a kind of over-regularity. In this text, there are ten sentences, a lot of which are long and complicate, only S3 and S9 are comparatively short and simpler. S7 is the longest and most complicated one. The changing of the length of the sentences can create a interesting musical rhythm.
  Graph 1:
  The Y-axis represents the whole words number of each sentence, while the X-axis refers to the serial numbers of the sentences.
  When each sentence is broken into parts according to the clauses of the sentences, another graph can be formed.   Graph 2:
  The black columns represent the total words numbers of each sentence, which is the same as Graph1. The columns in lighter colors refer to the words numbers of clauses in each sentence.
  Many sentences in this text are compound or compound complex sentences. In this graph, the clauses in those sentences are divided.
  S1-S6 describes scenery of August. The rhythms are slow and smooth. When the coach appears, described in S7, the sentence becomes very long and complicate, and takes a lot of time and energy to finish reading it. It seems that it is the coach that breaks these general rhythms. Besides, the coach acts as if it is a zipper. It zippers the whole scenes of working people open and present them to the reader in a breath taking way. When the coach turns a corner (S9), every thing returns to normal, so it is with the rhythm. S10 is consisted with four simple clauses with 8 words in the first two clauses and 6 in the rests.
  From S4, “ It comes when we remember nothing but clear skies, green fields and sweet-smelling flowers /——when the recollection of snow, and ice, and bleak winds, has faded from our minds as completely as they have disappeared from the earth——/and yet what a pleasant time it is!” , we came to an interesting graph as follow:
  To sum up, the whole text sounds like a piece of music. And the musical rhythms are created by the lengths of the sentences and clauses in them. Using of punctuation and foregrounding are to be thanked for creating this kind of effects.
  2. Conclusion
  Over-regulating is part of Foregrounding theory, which has been studied by scholars for years. But most scholars see foregrounding from the aspect of linguistic. Few combine foregrounding theory with translation. Over-regulating offers an different and interesting way to appreciate and understand the source text in translation. It can also function as a new standard to evaluate the target text.
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【摘要】本文基于对一名英语教师的观察和访谈,通过该教师的学习和教学经历,以及班级课堂管理、学生管理方面的深入沟通,我们发现爱心是教育的源泉,爱不仅是对教育事业的热爱还有对学生的爱。教师只要心中有爱,工作与生活便充满了动力,幸福无处不在。  【关键词】爱心;教育;英语教师  一、前言  夏丐尊先生曾说过“教育之没有情感,没有爱,如同池塘没有水一样。没有水就不成其池塘,没有爱就没有教育。爱是教育的源泉
【摘要】英语在我国的教育方面拥有越来越重要的位置,因此,需要大学生不断的增强自身的英语学习能力。可以选择多听英语录音,练习听说能力等,并且需要持之以恒。没有什么事情是可以一蹴而就的,因此,大学生需要通过自身的努力,克服英语听说的困难,从而提高自身的英语能力,成为一名听说读写全能的大学生。  【关键词】英语听说能力;自我培养意识;自由表达  【作者简介】黄晨(1985-),女,天津人,天津交通职业学
【摘要】全球一体化趋势的加强,使得跨国交流成为社会常态,而英语成为了跨国交流的主要工具。初中英语教学可以帮助学生奠定坚实的基础,互动教学可以提高学生的英语水平,因此初中英语教学实施互动教学具有重要作用。笔者结合当前初中英语教学现状,对实施互动教学的困境与对策进行了简要论述。  【关键词】初中英语;互动教学;困境;措施  【作者简介】沈洁,安徽省合肥市第63中学。  前言  英语是一门综合性的语言类
【摘要】如何提高课堂教学效率?如何在大班额条件下、在顾及所有学生学习的条件下,进行有效教学?这是教师教学的永恒追求,也是每一位教师在教学中必须思考的问题。本文拟简要分析大班额条件下如何有效进行英语教学。  【关键词】大班额;英语;有效教学  【作者简介】李文博,湖南省邵阳市邵东县城区第四中学。  随着新课改的施行,对英语教学的要求更高,除了要满足学生对英语知识的需求之外,还要有效提升英语教学的有效
【摘要】当前教育改革形势下,课时少,教学内容多,学生的时间充裕。本文从一名普通教师的角度探讨了如何利用英语教材调动学生的自主学习积极性,激发他们的学习兴趣,把教师的课堂有效教学延伸到课外,使学生真正走上学英语的道路,告别“哑巴英语”、“聋子英语”。  【关键词】教材编写;激发兴趣  【作者简介】卞方文,江苏省扬州市江都小纪中学。  学生刚开始学习英语时,普遍对英语有兴趣,但兴趣大多没有保持多久就开
【摘要】营造轻松和谐的课堂,让学生轻松地学,学中乐,乐中学,在轻松愉快的环境中获取知识。  【关键词】教学方法多样化;能激发课堂活力  【作者简介】童静,湖北省武汉市粮道街中学。  在英语教学中,单一的教学方法是乏味的。往往一个好的教学方法,如学生不感兴趣,也可能不能产生好的效果。教学方法各有千秋,学生乐学才能学好、学精。为了激发学生的兴趣,教师要认真钻研教材的同时,也要针对学生的兴趣使教学“活”
目前中考在即,初三年级已进入复习阶段。月考、模拟考、统考等测验接连不断,学生与教师花费大量的时间做试卷和讲评试卷。科学的试卷讲评是帮助学生查漏补缺、归纳复习、培养答题技巧和提高学生运用能力的重要环节,但不少老师抱怨:一节课从头讲到尾,口干舌燥,学生好像也在认真听,但效果并不好。  笔者在长期大量的中考调研中发现,很多时候这样的试卷讲评是低效甚至无效的。因此,如何上好试卷讲评课就成了我们研究的课题。