患者女,24岁,先天聋哑,以腹痛、阴道持续出血6h入院。经检查,发现患者为孕3产1孕36+4周,胎盘早剥,死胎,失血性休克,DIC?因条件所致从未做过任何检查。一般状况差,面色苍白,重度贫血貌,寒战,躁动。BP:100/60mm Hg(基础不详),P:130次/min化验:WBC:15.1×109/L,RBC:71g/L。HCT:0.2
Female patient, 24 years old, deaf and innocent, abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding 6h admission. After examination, the patient was found to be pregnant with 3 pregnancies 36 + 4 weeks pregnant, placental abruption, stillbirth, hemorrhagic shock, DIC? Due to conditions have never done any examination. Poor general condition, pale, severe anemia, chills, restlessness. BP: 100/60 mm Hg (base not available), P: 130 times / min Assay: WBC: 15.1 × 109 / L, RBC: 71 g / L. HCT: 0.2