景德镇青年陶瓷美术作品“青春杯”大奖赛的举行,是对瓷都青年陶瓷技艺人员的水平与实力的检阅。通过这种检阅,磨炼了青年们的思想与意志,激发了青年们奋发向上的精神。概括地说,当代瓷都青年陶瓷技员人员有以下二大特点: 1、瓷苑新秀犹如雨后春笋。首届“青春杯”大奖赛的成功在于瓷都瓷苑新人正在崛起,它预示着景瓷事业后继有人,前程似锦。这是因为: (1)人员多。目前,在景德镇市直接或间接从事陶瓷生产的青年职工约占职工总数的70%,这些青年人大都有一定的文化水平,而且见多识广,这是他们明显有别于自
Jingdezhen young ceramic art work “Youth Cup” Grand Prix held, is the ceramic porcelain young ceramic artist’s level and strength of the review. Through this review, the young people’s thoughts and will have been tempered, and the spirit of making progress in the new generation has been stimulated. In a nutshell, the contemporary porcelain young ceramic technicians have the following two characteristics: 1, Porcelain Court rookie springing up. The success of the first “Youth Cup” Grand Prix lies in the rise of the new porcelain court in Porcelain, which heralds the successor of the Ceramics porcelain career and its bright future. This is because: (1) more people. At present, Jingdezhen City, directly or indirectly engaged in ceramic production of young workers account for about 70% of the total number of workers, most of these young people have a certain level of education, and knowledgeable, which is clearly different from their own