
来源 :中国农垦 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gloriayl2005
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王震同志是新中国社会主义的农垦事业的奠基人,是开发建设北大荒的卓越的决策者、领导者。从1954年到1990年,王震同志数千次深入黑龙江,规划北大荒开发,指挥北大荒建设,代表党中央、国务院、中央军委慰问北大荒的人民,勉励北大荒的干部群众发扬北大荒精神,办好北大荒的事业。几十年里,王震同志的目光一直注视着北大荒的黑土地,王震同志的心始终牵挂着北大荒的人民。王震同志虽然去世了,但是他的功劳永远镌刻在北大荒的大地上,他所倡导和培育的北大荒精神将永远激励153万北大荒人,把农垦事业不断推向前进。 Comrade Wang Zhen was the founder of socialist farming in New China and an outstanding policy-maker and leader in the development and construction of the Great Northern Wilderness. From 1954 to 1990, Comrade Wang Zhen went deep into Heilongjiang thousands of times to plan the development of the Great Northern Wilderness, direct the Great Northern Wilderness, represent the Central Party Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission to the people of the Great Northern Wilderness and encouraged the great cadres and people of the Great Northern Wilderness to carry forward the spirit of the Great Wilderness. , Run the cause of the Great Northern Wilderness. In the past few decades, Comrade Wang Zhen’s gaze has been watching the black land in the Great Northern Wilderness. The heart of Comrade Wang Zhen always cares about the people of the Great Northern Wilderness. Although Wang Zhen died, his credit was forever engraved on the land of the Great Northern Wilderness. The spirit of the Great Wilderness he advocated and cultivated will inspire 1.53 million Great Northern Wilderness people forever and will push forward the development of farming and reclamation.
我国著名生物化学家、北京大学教授、《生物学通报》原编委沈同同志,因病医治无效,不幸于1992年11月7日在北京逝世。沈同同志是我国生物化学方面成绩卓著的教育家, The fam
我的姑姑于蓝早已为人们所熟悉。姑父田方却过早地离开了我们,他在电影《英雄儿女》中塑造的军政治部主任王文清的形象,使多少人难以忘怀,也给我留下了无尽的思念。 My aun
一家10人从教,少见! 10人中,先后40多人次被评为全国及省、市、县优秀教师和先进工作者,可敬! 橙黄桔绿时节,我们慕名访问了这一令人景仰的家庭。步入客厅,墙上红框镀金匾映
圆圆的脸、大大的眼,胖胖乎乎、漂漂亮亮,一举一动、一笑一颦,全身都是戏。这就是马晓晴。 1968年生在上海,爸爸是上海冶金局的总工程师,妈妈是上海市房管局的干部。这就是