
来源 :江苏钱币 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jnyinli
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2011年4月,笔者集得一张清代光绪二十九年(1903年)湖南益阳南门对河“复泰坊”商号壹串文钱票,这是一张难得一见的纸币,拍自国外,属国内首见品种。该票不仅图案精美,印刷精湛,品相一流,而且钱票之上的书写文字,也颇具特色,既规范端庄,又俊秀流畅,显然,出自一位名家之手。实际上,该票有关文字是由著名的广西最后一位状元“刘福姚”所书写。清代及民国时期,由名家书写文字的民间钱票,实属罕见。 In April 2011, I collected a string of money tickets from the bank of Yiyang South Gate to the river “Fu Tai Fong” in the 190th year of the Guangxu reign of the Qing Dynasty (1903), a rare note Since abroad, is a domestic first breed. The ticket is not only beautifully designed, exquisite printing, first-class products, but also written on top of the money writing, but also quite distinctive, both regulate the dignified and handsome smooth, apparently from a famous hand. In fact, the ticket is written by the famous champion Liu Fuyao in Guangxi. In the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, it was rare for private money written by famous writers.
从走出大学校门的那一刻起,笔者就深刻意识到自己的身份、角色已经发生了改变,再也不是学校里面那个稚嫩的学生了。而如今,站在那个曾经让自己梦寐以求的讲台上已多年,笔者从代课教师到正式教师,从乡镇小学到现如今的湘东镇中学,从语文学科到物理学科,感觉自己在一次次转变中不断成长。  环境变化点燃教师激情  2011年,笔者调入目前所在学校。在这里,笔者感受到了更大的使命感和责任感。学校的教学气氛让笔者认识到