A Discussion of Some Problems Concerning the Tosonhu Lake M_S7.5 Earthquake in 1937

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ailynn
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The East Kunlun active fault zone, which lies in the valley of the Kunlun Mountains above an elevation of 4,000 meters, is an important active fault zone in the Northeast Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau. The 1937, the Tosonhu lake M_S7.5 earthquake occurred in the eastern segment of the East Kunlun active fault zone. Four field investigations were launched on this seism in 1963, 1971, 1980, and between 1986 and 1990. However, due to different extents of the investigations, four different conclusions have been gained. Concerning the length aspect of the surface rupture zone of this earthquake, the unanimous consensus is that its eastern end lies in the west side of the main Ridge of the A’nyêmaqên Mountains, but opinions about the western end and the location of the macro-epicenter are different. Based on investigation and comprehensive study, a series of scientific problems like geometric and kinetic characteristics, the length of the rupture zone, the maximum sinistral horizontal displacement and the macro-epicenter were re-evaluated. We believe that the total length of this earthquake’s surface deformation zone is at least 240km; the western end of the zone is at the west of Wusuwuwoguole; the maximum sinistral horizontal displacement is 8m to the west of Baerhalasha gully on the east side of Sanchakou; the maximum vertical displacement is 3.5m in the south of Sanchakou and the macro-epicenter is in Sanchakou. The East Kunlun active fault zone, which lies in the valley of the Kunlun Mountains above an elevation of 4,000 meters, is an important active fault zone in the Northeast Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau. The 1937, the Tosonhu lake M_S7.5 earthquake occurred in the eastern segment of the East Kunlun active fault zone. Four field investigations were launched on this seism in 1963, 1971, 1980, and between 1986 and 1990. However, due to different extents of the investigations, four different arena were managed Concerning the length aspect of the surface rupture zone of this earthquake, the unanimous consensus is that its eastern end lies in the west side of the main Ridge of the A’nyêqên Mountains, but opinions about the western end and the location of the macro Based on investigation and comprehensive study, a series of scientific problems like geometric and kinetic characteristics, the length of the rupture zone, the maximum sinistral horizontal dis placement and the macro-epicenter were re-evaluated. We believe that the total length of this earthquake’s surface deformation zone is at least 240km; the western end of the zone is at the west of Wusuwuwoguole; the maximum sinistral horizontal displacement is 8m to the west of Baerhalasha gully on the east side of Sanchakou; the maximum vertical displacement is 3.5m in the south of Sanchakou and the macro-epicenter is in Sanchakou.
在山西潞城县这块地方,一提起武装部政委宋文义,熟悉他的地方领导和武装干部都会竖起大拇指,称他是“三个榜样”。 敢作敢为的榜样 1993年的初秋,潞城县瓢泼大雨下个不停,干
海淀同和居饭庄厨师长、特级技师王文荣,1962年从事餐饮工作。拜随同和居饭庄名师姜敬厚为师,学习烹调、刀工技艺。 经过多年的刻苦学习,他练就了一身过硬的基本功,烹饪技术
[摘要] 本文分析了现代家庭伦理道德存在问题的原因:家长依赖学校,推脱教育子女的责任;父母对孩子期望过高,忽视品德教育;家长教育方法的不当;家庭环境的影响;家庭结构裂变扭曲青少年健康人格。并指出提高家庭德育效果的措施:优化家长自身人格形象;注意教育方法科学性;建立和谐的家庭气氛,培植融洽的亲子关系;大力加强家庭教育的法制建设;开设家长学校,引导辅助家长共同教育。  [关键词] 家庭道德 建设 问题
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